The Ultimate Guide To Guitar Tunings:

Explore Standard Tuning & Beyond!

Dive deep into the world of guitar tunings! Did you know there are many possible tunings for your guitar? Learn about standard tuning, flattened tunings plus explore alternative tunings like drop D, open tunings, and more!

Discover how different tunings affect your creative playing and songwriting, then tune your guitar by ear using our video guides linked below.

Here are 8 different styles of Tuning Your Guitar that sound great, let’s get started… 

1. Standard Tuning (E A D G B e) – Classical Tuner

  • Characteristics: The most common guitar tuning, providing a balanced tension and a wide range of playable notes. Spanish origins.
  • Best for: Beginners to advanced, rock, pop, blues, metal and many other genres.
  • Tips: Familiarize yourself with the fretboard in standard tuning before venturing into alternatives.

2. Flattened Standard Tuning: half-step (D# G# C# F# A# d#) or whole-step (D G C F A D) or 1.5 steps (C# F# B E G# c#)

    • Characteristics: Take your standard tuning and tune each string down, to give a heavier sound!
    • Best for: Playing like your favorite bands such as GnR, Hendrix, Slayer, Heavy Rock & Metal music are often tuned down!
    • Tips: Start with tuning a half step down first which is E flat/D# tuning. Play with it for a bit before tuning down another half step!

3. Drop D Tuning

  • Characteristics: Lowers the 6th string from E to D, creating a heavier, more powerful sound. One-finger Powerchords!
  • Best for: Heavy metal, hard rock, alternative rock, and songs that benefit from a lower, thicker tone.
  • Examples: “Slither” by Velvet Revolver, “Everlast” by Foo Fighters, System of a Down

4. Open Tunings

  • Characteristics: All strings are tuned to notes within a chord, creating a resonant, drone-like effect.
  • Types:
    • Open G (D G D G B D): Often used in classic rock, folk, blues, and country music. (Rolling Stones)
    • Open D (D A D F# A D): Popular for slide guitar and blues.
    • Open C (C G C G C e): Used in alt blues (John Butler)
  • Benefits: Easier to play chords and create unique soundscapes. Great for slide guitar style!

5. DADGAD Tuning (Kashmir Tuning)

  • Characteristics: A modal tuning with a strong Celtic influence.
  • Best for: Folk, Celtic, and world music.
  • Benefits: Creates a meditative and atmospheric sound. Led Zeppelin’s Kashmir uses DADGAD tuning!

6. Rain Song Mystical Sound Tuning: DGCGCD

  • Characteristics: A magical open tuning to create mystical vibes, made famous by Led Zeppelin’s Rain Song!
  • Best for: Creating a moody vibe with hints of mystery and magic.
  • Examples: Listen to the Rain Song by Led Zep, for the best example of this tuning!

7. Bron-Yr-Aur Tuning- CACGCE

  • Characteristics: A cool Jimmy Page tuning that he used in his acoustic instrumental Bron-Yr-Aur.
  • Qualities: This tuning gives a low and resonant sound, capable of pretty melody and chords!

8. Frequency Tuning (432Hz)

  • Characteristics: Western music is almost all tuned to A440HZ, but it wasn’t always this way…
  • Explanation: Critics of 440Hz tuning claim it is not in harmony with earth and nature, and that 432Hz may have healing properties!

Tips for Exploring Different Guitar Tunings:

  • Start gradually: Begin with small changes, such as drop D, before venturing into more drastic alterations.
  • Experiment: Try different tunings on familiar songs to discover new sounds and textures.
  • Learn chords and scales: Understand how the tuning affects the fretboard and chord shapes.
  • Listen to music: Pay attention to the tunings used by your favorite artists.

New Guitar Tunings Will Help Expand Your Creativity!

The vast world of guitar tunings offers endless possibilities for exploration, experimentation and new sounds. By venturing beyond standard tuning, you can unlock new creative avenues, expand your sonic palette, and discover unique voices within your music.